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SmartWORKS迭ǰ 뿬 FAQ Common
TX100/TX1000SoftRecorder/HPXMediaSDKCommon弳ġ PCI # ġ , ذ:MTBoardSetConfig()Լ PCI # Īų ֽϴ. MTADAPTER_CONFIGURATION SystemIndex ϸ Ī մϴ. , ȭ ũ⸦ ڷ ִ ?NGX ,MTChInputSetGain() Ͽ ȭ Ҹ ֽϴ. Primary Ҹ , Secondary Ҹ ݴϴ. LD忡 Ҹ TChInputSetGain()Լ Ͽ ü ȭ Ҹ̸ ֽϴ. Wav νĵ ذ?Լ MS GSM信 ڵ Waveش ߰ϴ ĸ Ǿ ֽϴ. ý αϿ Ch XX encode queue overflow ?ΰ ϳ ̷ αϿ ֽϴ. 1) Queue Ÿ ó Ͽ Ÿ ۿ뷮 ʰ մϴ. 뼭 ȭ û CPU Ͽ ɸ õ ȭ Ÿ Ͽ ϰ ۿ Ǵ 찡 ֽϴ. G.711 ȭ CPU ϸ ʰ ֱ Ϸ Ÿ ۿ 鼭 ۿ뷮 ʰϿ Ch XX encode queue overflow ֽϴ. 2)CallbackԼ ȣϴµ ʹ ð ü 쿡 ֽϴ. ̷/OS/溸ý Ʈ CPU ϸ ʰϰų, CPU CPUϸ ʰϸ Ch XX encode queue overflow ֽϴ. ̷ ڵ ϸ DSPڿ ̿ϴ ÿ 뼭 IO/CPU ֽϴ. ý αϿ ch Z event 0xXXXX dropped due to queue full ?This can occur when you are streaming data but not servicing the queue often enough. For example, if your application was running and virus detection software took over the CPU, you may not get your time slice to service the queue. Or, if you are streaming and are not careful to stop streaming and empty the queue before closing a channel, the queue could fill up. It could also simply be that your own app is busy doing other things and not allowing you the time to service the queue - for example if another thread takes control and does not let channel 10 get a chance to execute its stream in code. Basically, the event queue is full, and when a new event comes in, it cannot be fit into the queue so it is dropped. Depending on the event that was dropped, this could cause you to miss a recording. ý αϿ FIFO route err NGX brd x1 and QFul routing xf41d to iSmi x0 ?The board(s) generates a hardware interrupt. The interrupt service routine runs and reads the data off of the board correctly. The driver transfers this data (specifically NGX D-Channel events) to the DLL, by coping the data packets into the board queue of the DLL. This copy failed. The DLL's queue was full, so the driver had no place to write this information. These errors are usually caused by the same symptoms as the encode queue overflow. See that section of my reply for the possible causes of these messages. These are more due to the CPU bottleneck issues. These errors could be related to one another. For example, one error could cause another to occur. I have ordered these by priority. You should take a look at the first error message first. The CRC errors and the encode queue overflows seem to occur first followed by the QFUL and FIFO errors. Cleaning up the first two could cause the latter two to clean up as well. 带 ġ ää 迭˴ϴ. 4 (Board 0LD1609Board 1LD2409Board 2NGX800Board 3NGX2400) , ä , LD1609:Ch0-Ch15LD2409Ch16-Ch39NGX800Ch40-Ch47NGX2400Ch48-Ch71 Դϴ. SmartControl Master Slave忡 CTBUS ʾ 쿡 带 Master ־ մϴ. H.100 ؼ ߿ MasterA ϰ ٸ MasterB ϰ Ÿ Master Slave ؾ ˴ϴ. MVIP Ͽ 쿡 Master, Slave ϸ ˴ϴ. Windows Ŀ 尡 ν ʰ, SmartWORKS̹ Install ʾ ?Windowsġڿ 带 ã ̹ θ ְ, ߿ Ȯؾ մϴ. ߿ ε 쿡 SmartWF ϰ ̵ մϴ. SmartWORKS迭ǰ ݿ ϴ Linux̹ ?Suse SLES10 SP2 OS ϴ մϴ. ߵ ̹ SUSE Linux Enterprise 10( SLES10) Դϴ. TDM忡 ذ?U-Law A-Law ߸Ǿ ־ ٲٰ Ʈ غñ ٶϴ. ̷ Ʈ Ͽ OSý α Q-Full Error Ǵ F/W PANIC Error ?ýۿ ̷ Ʈ ʽϴ. ؾ SmartWORKS ̹ ̷ Ʈ ܽ ִ ذ ֽϴ. IPX/HPXIPX忡 0,1,2 Ʈ ϴ?Interface-0 Ӵڿ ȥ ָ ִ Ʈ̰, ִ Ʈ 1,2ƮԴϴ. Interface 0: Ÿ ´, MTIpSetSessionMediaDest()ȣϿ Ÿ ϱ, IPM Ǵ Soft Recorder Ʈ ġǾ մϴ. Interface 1,2: ̷Ʈ Ӵ, Ʈ Ƿ IPּҸ ϸ ǰ Ʈ ͼӵǾ մϴ. AVAYA IP Ͽ ʿ? ٸ IP Ʈ õ?Ʈ ¿ MT_IP_AVAYAMT_TCP1=1720,MT_TCP2=1719 ϸ ˴ϴ. Avaya and Ericsson TcpPort_1=1720 TcpPort_2=1719 SIP TcpPort_1=5060 TcpPort_2=0 CISCO TcpPort_1=2000 TcpPort_2=0 NORTEL TcpPort_1=5000 TcpPort_2=5100 SmartView IPXƮ ?1. Smartview-->System-->F2, VOIP-->MTIP(Enable/Disable)Signaling Protocol, Board 0, Protocol ID:MT_IP_CISCO_SKINNY, Port 2000 Է, Type TMT_TCP ϰ "Enable" Ŭ. 2. VOIP-->MTIP(Dchannel/CC) Event (Control/Status)...-->Protocol ID MT_IP_CISCO_SKINNY ãD-channel Call Control üũ. IPX Ŷ,̺Ʈ SR ϴ Ŷ Ǵ Session stop̺Ʈ ϰ Ǹ鼭 ҽϿ ?SmartControl RTP Timeout EnableŰ, Ʈ 15ms ָ ˴ϴ.̷ ϸ 15ms ο RTPŶ ڵ ߴϰ ˴ϴ. ī尡 ΰ ִ IPX ī带 ũν̺ EVT_ETH_DEST_UNREACHABLE̺Ʈ δ ?̺Ʈ Ʈκп ִٴ ǥմϴ. ī尡 ִ ī ݵ ε ƮIP ؾ մϴ. (IPX ϴ ī IPX ƮIP ) IPX Soft Recorder ̺Ʈ ǰ ϵ 뷮 Ǵµ Ǵ ?켱 IPX Soft Recorder شǴ ī尡 Ʈ ͼӵ IP Ǿ Ȯؾ մϴ. IPX忡 Ŷ ī忡 ߴ, Soft Recorder RTPŶ Ǿ Ȯ ʿմϴ. ̺Ʈ StationID ϴ ?̺Ʈ XtraInfo ֽϴ. :station ID = Event.XtraInfo & 0x0000FFFF IPX-C/HPX ÷Ͽ Ʈ ι° ÷ ̺Ʈ ʴ ?SmartWORKS Ȱ TCPŶ ϴ Ǿ Դϴ. 带 ʾ 쿡 ɻ ݺ Ŷ DZ ª ð ι ÷ϰ Ǹ Ŷ DZ ̷ մϴ. DisableϷ 丮 Ʒ 0 ٲֽø ˴ϴ. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ntidrv\Devices\MtxBrd\ IPX/HPX Panasonicȯ Ͽ ǥSIP Ͽµ ιٿ ݸ ǰ ƿٿ ?Panasonic SIPȯ濡 Ÿ м ιٿ ȭ ϴ SIPƮ 5060 Ǿ ְ ƿٿ ȭ 35060 Ǿ ֱ IPX/HPX Ʈȣ ߸ ̺Ʈ Ǿ ֽϴ. HPX Dongle 뼭 USBڿ SmartWORKS HPX νĵ ذ:Windows â SmartWORKS Services ָ ˴ϴ. HPX IPX ̼ ϴ :HPX Dongle Ǵ IPX带 ġϰ SmartControl > Boardȭ鿡 License Information ŬϿ ̼ ָ ˴ϴ. (HPX ̼ ϸ HPX ۵ǰ IPX ̼ SMC ۵˴ϴ) P.S.: ̼ ο Ǿ մϴ. IPX ߿ ̵ ?IPX忡 ߿ ̵ ߿ ipxcfw.img ϰ ߿ ̵尡 100% Ϸ 峪 ֽϴ. ( ̵ ð ҿ 찡 ֽϴ) IPX ġؾ α ̺Ʈ ĺ ִ ?̺Ʈ Bord Number Ͽ ̺Ʈ Ȯ ֽϴ. Windows2003 SP2 Open HPX ȵǴ ?MonitorPort Ȯϰ Ǿ ġ ī忡 Ŷ Ǵ Ȯϰ, virus.c:WINNT(or windows)/system32/driver/nvmini.sys ָ ˴ϴ. NGXNGX ̺ ?1. ̺ ( NGX_Integration_Guide.pdf Ͻñ ٶϴ) : Avayaȯ , Cable Lengths The following are the maximum cable lengths (in feet) recommended by AudioCodes: PBX to tap - 75 = ȯ Ÿ 21 tap to NGX - 300 = NGX Ÿ 91 tap to phones - 2445 = Ż Ÿ 745 : UTP-5 categories ,Ϻ ݼŸ ȯ濡 Ʈ Դϴ. 2. Żȸ ,ȣսǹ Ϳ ̾ 쿡 սǵ ʽϴ. NGX Ǵ ǰμ Żȸκ ҷ Ҵް ˴ϴ. ϰ PCI-Xκ Ǵ ġ 2 ϰ Ǿֽϴ. 3. Żȸ ,ȣũ⸦ Ȯϴ ȣ Ȯ ִ ġ , Żȸ Բ ȮDZ ̳ Żȣ ˴ϴ. ȣȮġ ʰ Ż Ӻκп Resistance Ǵ Capacitanceǰ ߰Ͽ Ż ҴǴ ũ⸦ Ű NGX忡 ҴǴ ,ȣ ȮDZ ذ ֽϴ. 4. ̺ 1) Ȯ ȣ Ȯϱ Ͽ ȯ Ÿ NGX Ÿ ȣ մϴ. 2) ۵ ߸ ų ˺κ ʹ ų Ǵ ܵǾ ˹ Ͼ Ż 뿡 ϴ 쵵 ֽϴ. 3)UTP-5 Categories մϴ. 4) distribution frame 3 輱 , ȭ ȸ Բ PBX 輱ϴ մϴ. 5. SmartView ȸ SmartWORKS SmartView ȸ ȣ ־ ȸӿ ϴ ż ֽϴ. FramerStatistics MTGetNGXFramerStatistic... Ŭϸ Framer Statisticâ ߴµ, Ϸ ȸش ä ְ, Clear 켱 Ŭ , Get NTErr, TEErr, SyncErr ġ 캸 ֽϴ. ȸ 0, Ǵ 1, 2 ġ Ÿ ˴ϴ. ð SmartView ϰ Ϸ絿 ϴ ϴ ҷ ȸ ȸӺκ ˻Ͽ ȸҷ ذ ֽϴ. äο Ż Ҹ 鸮 ٸ äο ȭ Ҹ 鸮 ذ?MTDisableMixing() Ͽ Mix ȭ Ҹ ˴ϴ. Żȸ ܵǾ Ǵϴ ?NGX忡 MTGetNGXFramerStatistic()Լ Ͽ ȸ¸ Ǵ ֽϴ.MT_NTTE_FRAMER_STATTEAmp NTAmpl 0 Ǹ ȸ ܵǾ ǹϰ, ٸ Ͽ ȸ ϴ , ȭ, ȣн ¸ ֽϴ. NGX忡 ϴ ?NGX ϴ Ʒ ϸ ˴ϴ. SmartView-->system-->F2 1) Settings-->MT(Get/Set)OutputSource->Audio Stream->Set->Close . 2) CTBus-->MT(Get/Set/Reset)Output->Channel Number( ä)TDM Stream(MVIP: 0-15H.1000-31)TDM Slot(MVIP: 0-31H.1000-127) ->Set->Close 3) CTBus-->MT(Get/Reset)AJ(TalkListen)->Audio Jack(0 )Listen/Talk(Listen)TDM Stream(MVIP: 0-15H.1000-31))TDM Slot(MVIP: 0-31H.1000-127) ->Set->Cancel 2 3 TDM Stream and Slot ݵ ؾ մϴ!(ä Ӷ J19 2,3Դϴ) NGX Join ʽϴ. NGX800 AudioƮ û Ǵ ȭû ٸ 带 ߰Ͽ ؾ ϴ?Ʈ Ͽ û 쿡 ٸ 带 ߰Ͽ ʿ䰡 ϴ. ȭ⸦ û Ϸ Ƴα LD Ͽ ؾ մϴ. MX80 NGX800忡 , ҿ Ⱦƾ ϴ䣿MX80 NGX800忡 NGX800 ȸӺκп ʿ Ⱦ ָ ˴ϴ. NGX800 Ʈ SmartView CID ?Smartview MESSAGE_CHANGE ó ʱ ֽϴ. ̹ ġ ...\Program Files\Ai-Logix\SmartWORKS\Samples\ ִ NGX Message Change Ʈ غ ֽϴ. AVAYAȯ ưȣ ?Smartctl event update üũϸ ˴ϴ. ̿ ݴ NECȯ 쿡 event update üũϸ SmartView ʹ ̺Ʈ DZ κ üũ ƾ ϴ 쵵 ֽϴ.N IP Office, Ż 5402 NGX ġ?ȯ AVAYA IP Office, Ż 5402 SmartControl Avaya Definity 2W ְ, Dä̺Ʈ üũ ڿ Ʈ غ , ̺Ʈ ֽϴ. AVAYA, 6408D+ȯ濡 Ʈ ưȣȯ A-law ϰ 忡 M-law ưȣ ̻ ֽϴ. ٲٸ ٷ ذ ֽϴ. alcatel OmniPCX4400 (R5.0 unix), Line card UA32Ż: alcatel 4004, NGX800/ Smartworks 3.7 CID?4004Ż(LCDȭ ) Ʈ Caller ID/Called ID ʾҴµ 4010(LCDȭ ) ٲ ڿ ֽϴ. Ʈ ȯ Caller ID Called ID LDCȭ鿡 ǥǴ 似 ϴ ǴܵǾ, SmartView ȵ ...\Ai-Logix\SmartWORKS\Samples\NGX Message Change Ʈ ϸ鼭 ֽϴ. Mitelȯ Ͽ ġ RTS BOX?NGX带 Mitelȯ, Ż Ͽ ġ RTS BOX Ͽ մϴ. ä MitelŻ NGX忡 2ä ҿ˴ϴ. Ȩ RTS BOXǰڷḦ ãƺ ֽϴ. NGX, , Ż ̴̺ ִ մϱ?NGX_Integration_Guide.pdf ü ãƺ ֽϴ. ȯ⺰ ̺̿ Ǿ ֽϴ. Alcatel Cable Lengths The following are the maximum cable lengths (in feet) recommended by AudioCodes: PBX to tap - 30* tap to NGX - 30* tap to phones - 1500* NGX Ưȯ ġ RTS BOX?NGX忡 RTS Ÿ ȯȯ濡 2 ҽڿ ʿϱ, 2äη ϳ Żȭ ϰ Ǿ ֽϴ. NGX2400 RTSġ ִ 12 Żȭ ֽϴ. : 4 Line ȭ ΰ NGX Pin1,Pin26 ϰ, ΰ NGX Pin2, Pin25 մϴ. ư EVT_DIGIT_PRESSED̺Ʈ ʰ EVT_DIGIT_DROPPED̺Ʈ ?ȯ ưȣ Ƴα ȭ ۽ϰ 忡 Ƴα ưȣ νϿ DTMF Digit Queue ϰ ˴ϴ, ̶ Queue Full Error ϸ EVT_DIGIT_DROPPED̺Ʈ ˴ϴ. ذ: Ź ȭ MTClearDTMFDigits()Լ ȣϿ DTMF Digit Queue Calearָ ذ˴ϴ. NGX ǥȭ(4line) ؾ ?4line ǥȭ NGX մϴ.4line 2 NGX äο ϵ ٸ ΰ NGX ٸ äο Ͽ ؾ մϴ. ϴ Ʈ ϸ鼭 ɷ մϴ. NGX Avaya 4018 Ͽ ȭ µ Ͽ ?SmartView FramerStatisitcs 뷮 ǰ, äο ٸ ȭ⸦ Ͽ 쿡 쿡 ο NGX ִ Ӻκп ܵ+Ǵ ȸθ Ͽ ߰ϸ Űų ֽϴ. Windowsý α 뷮 "D-Channel message length exceeded storage limit" ٶ ߴ ?켱 λ ɼ ְ, ɼ ϴ. ̶ FramerStatistics ϸ Error 뷮 ˴ϴ. FramerStatistics ʾ 쿡 ӵ ȭ Däο NGX Ϻ 쿡 ̷ ֽϴ. äο ȸ FramerStatistics(ȸ) :켱 α Ű SmartView F2 带 ä ϰ FramerStatistics > MTGetNGXFramerStatistics ϸ ˴ϴ. Ǵ α MTGetNGXFramerStatistics ȣϿ α ־ ֽϴ. : NTErr: PBX ( 쿡 0 ǥõ˴ϴ, ִ 2) TEErr: Ż ( 쿡 0 ǥõ˴ϴ, ִ 2) SyncErr: ȯ/Ż ȭ ( 쿡 0 ǥõ˴ϴ, ִ 2) NTAmpl: ȯȣ ũ, ܼ 0 ǥõ TEAmpl: Żȣ ũ, ܼ 0 ǥõ Noise: ȸ ǥ ClipStatus: 0 ǥõ, 0 ƴ AGC ISDN BRI ȭ ϴ ?MT_CC_CALL_INFO ̺Ʈ ȭ ٷ ƺ ֽϴ. OS α CPU ϴ Ʈ Ȳ Queue Full Error ?MTGetFramerAlarmStatusExԼ Ͽ ä ȸ¸ üũϰ ȸ ܼ ä ƾ մϴ. Queue full ϴ ܼ äΰ ȣ ϸ鼭 Queue Full Error ϴ 찡 ֽϴ. DPDTMF ÿ Ϸ ؾ ϴ? Readdtmf δ ȣ ʿ䰡 ִ? EVT_DIGIT ý÷ ִ ƴϸ MTGetDigits() ȣ 쿡 ִ?EVT_DIGIT ý÷ ֽϴ. SmartView demo Ʒ ̺Ʈ Ÿ, EVT_...() Reason 0x**** **** DTMF ָ ˴ϴ. Win2000 server DP3209 Ǵ DP6409 Ⱦ , ۵ ʰ, ̺Ʈα Ҵ繮 (Global Memory mapping failed on brd 2.) ?Win2K server ->Counter߰->Memory Free System Page Table Entries , 15761, 15921 Ǿ 3 常 ֽϴ. 124513 Ǿ 쿡 4 DP嵵 ۵ ֽϴ. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\SystemPages 33000 FFFFFFFF ϸ ˴ϴ. ӽȣ LED µ ̺Ʈ ưȣ, DTMF̺Ʈ ?LED ƴ϶ Ǵ ֽϴ. ưȣ DTMF ȭʿ ̺Ʈ̸ ݸ似 ̺Ʈ ʴ ιٿ, ƿٿ ο ٲ鼭 ֽϴ. 1,2 Pin 4, 5 Pin ٲ㼭 ָ ذ ֽϴ. Ͽ ?켱 SmartView>FramerStatistics>MTGetT1/E1FramerStatistics ȯ濡 üũϰ ̻ AGC ۰ ָ ˴ϴ. SmartWorks5.3 E1 31ä 뵵 ?SmartWORKS 5.3 մϴ. SmartControl Network>E1 protocol None 31ä E1 ֽϴ. ο ISDNȣ ְ FAXȣ , 12, 45 ISDNȣ ǰ, 45, 12 FAXȣ ˴ϴ, ΰ ÿ ϴ ?Ʈũ ̺ ΰ Ͽ 12,45 DP6409 Ʈ ϰ, 45,12 DP6409 ٸ Ʈ ϸ ˴ϴ. DP6409 Ͽ ߱ ISDNñ׳ 似 밡 ǵǴ ?Framer Statistics ȸ üũϿ Ŭ ȭ Ͽ ֽϴ. ذ α MTSetCTMasterClock() MTSetNET()Լ ȣϿ Ŭϵȭ ־ ذ ֽϴ. ϴ : 尡 ÿ CTBus Ǿ 带 Mode_Master ϰ Mode_Slave ־ մϴ. MTSetCTMasterClock() MODE_MASTER Ŭ ҽκ ġǰ MTSetCTMasterClock() MODE_SLAVE ° Ķʹ ڵ õ˴ϴ. 忡 CTBus Mode_Master, NET1 Ŭϼҽ ִ ÿ MTSetNET Ͽ Framer Ŭϵ ־ մϴ. : MTSetCTMasterClock(m_nBoard, MUX_MVIP, MODE_MASTER, CLOCK_SOURCE_NET1); MTSetNET(m_nBoard, 1,0); MFR2ñ׳ο ȭ ϴ ?MFR2 Caller ID, ȭ̺Ʈ DTMF λ DZ DP忡 DTMF̺Ʈ ǰ ǥ α DTMF мϿ ȭ ֽϴ. DTLineSide E1 DT3209 ?SmartControl->Trunk Setings Trunk 0, Framing Basic G.704, Line Coding hdb3 , LB0 120om, Protocol Seting Trunk 0, Signaling Protocol None ϸ ˴ϴ. LineSide E1 DT3209 Ʈ ?SmartView System--->MTSysStartup , FramerStatistcs--->ABCD Signaling ϰ Enable Rx Get Ŭ Signal 7κ 3 ϰ Ǹ ȭ մϴ. Tx Get Ŭ Signal 8κ F̿ Ż Set ŬϾ Off Hook¸ ǥϰ,0-7 ڸ Էϰ Set ٽ Ŭϸ On Hook¸ ǥմϴ. ƿٿ FramerStatistcs--->ABCD Signaling Enable , Tx Signal Ŭ, 8-F Էϰ Set Ŭϸ Off Hook, ChannelFunctions--->MTDialString,ƿٿ ȭȣ Է, ð մϴ. ݽð ʹ θ ƿٿ带 ȭ ڿ Onhook° ǥõ Ŀ ٽ Ʈ ؾ մϴ. DT忡 CASñ׳ ?Ʒ Լ Ͽ CASñ׳ ֤ϴ. MTEnableFramerABCDSignalingEvent(),MTGetTimeSlotRxSignaling(),MTSetTimeSlotTxSignaling(),MTGetTimeSlotTxSignaling() DT忡 Alcatel PCM2带 ñ׳ ?Alcatel PCM2带 DT带 DR_Link + No IVR + Record Authorization ϰ, Alcatel TCs / TGs 뿬 κ ϰ. DT "None" ؾ ˴ϴ.录连设ǡ DT卡协议设为None LDƳα ȭȸ ¸ Ǵϴ ?MTGetLVDetectValue()Լ Ͽ мġ ϸ ˴ϴ. мġ 0 ȸ ܵǾ ǥմϴ. LD Լ Ͽ ȸ ¸ Ǵ ִ?MTGetChannelStatus(), MTCHAN_STATUS LineStatusκ Ͽ ȸ¸ ֽϴ : LineStatus&LINE_NO_LVOLTAGE_MIDDLE true Ǿ On Hook ǥ. MTGetLVDetectValue()Լ Ͽ мġ 0 Ǿ ȸ ܵǾ ǥմϴ. Ƴα FSK/DTMF ?SmartView FSK/DTMF ǥõ ֽϴ. ̷ MTEnableCallerID(Channel,level) level 128 ָ ذ ֽϴ. Radio ?Radio ϴ õ Դϴ. (EVT_MAX_SILENCEEVT_MAX_ACTIVITY̺Ʈ Ͽ õ) Ƴα ȯ濡 FSKȣ ǥFSK ƴ Caller ID ʴ ?λ FSKȣ ǥ Bell 202 FSK Ͽ λ FSKȣ MTEanbleCallerIDԼ Level ߰ų ȭ Ͽ ذ մϴ. λ FSKȣ MTEanbleCallerIDԼ Level ְų AGC EnableϿ ϴ ذ մϴ. Audio Jack Ͽ ǽðû ϴ ?MTSetRoute()Լ Ͽ شä Talk Ͽ Timeslot, Stream ϰ, MTAJListen()Լ Ͽ Listen Ͽ Timeslot, Stream ϸ ˴ϴ. DT忡 ְ, DP NGX忡 쿡 Ʒ Ͻñ ٶϴ. MTSetOutputSource(0,AUDIO_STREAM); MTSetOutput(0,2,0); MTAJListen(0,2,0); äο ÿ ִ?LD äκ ΰ ҽ ־ ÿ 븦 ֽϴ. Ƴα Ground Start Lineȸ ?Ƴα Ground Start Lineȸ ؾ 쿡 SmartWORKS LD带 ϸ ˴ϴ. LD а ϰ, Ƴα ȸ OnHook¿ ϱ , õ, ϴ ʽϴ. MTSetLVParamsԼ Ͽ м ȸȲ 缭 , Ȯ Ǵ ֽϴ. ιٿ ȭ CID ?LD忡 CIDȣ FSKȣ мϿ ˴ϴ. ȸ CID FSKȣ ƴ ȭ PulseŸ ؾ մϴ. LG-Ericssonȯ ȯ濡 LDP-7024LD Ż ȭ ȭ Ǵ ִ ?LDP-7024LDŻȭ ȭ ȯ D-Channelȣ ʱ NGX忡 ð Ȯ ϴ. ̷ EVT_MESSAGE_CHANGED Ͽ ȭ ,߽ ֽϴ. TX100/TX1000ȯ Ʈ ȣ ȣ ΰ Ʈ µ TX100/TX1000?2 TX1000 Ͽ TX1000ڿ ġ Ͽ Aggregate Ͽ TX1000 Ͽ IPX忡 ϸ ˴ϴ. : Aggregate TX1000 ո鿡 Aggregate LED · Ǿ ֽϴ. SoftRecorder/HPXMediacrInitLib()Լ ȣ error4 ذ?Error4 SoftRecorder/HPXMedia license ϴ ڵԴϴ. IPX/HPX ø Ī ̼ Ȯϰ Ͽ Ȯϰ, ̼ SoftRecorder/HPXMedia ġ ī ־ ȮϽñ ٶϴ. ( ̼ ϳ մϴ) HPXMedia Ͽ ߰ ?HPXMedia Recording to buffer mode 쿡 Ͽ ٷ ߰ϸ ˴ϴ. HPXMedia recording to file mode 쿡 밡 Ŀ ٽ 鼭 ߰ؾ մϴ. IPX-C/HPX ȭ̺Ʈ ǰ ϵ Ǵµ Ǵ ?IPX/HPX üũ, ȭ̳ ̷ Ʈ , HPXMedia DeviceIP Ȯ Ȯ üũ ñ ٶϴ. SDKWindows7 SmartControl ٲپ ʴ ذ?UAC Disbleϰ ź SmartControl ٲְ 带 ϸ ذ˴ϴ. α ?丮 ϴ SmartWORKS α ֵ ֽϴ. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / Ntidrv / Parameters ] and set the value data to one of the following: APITraceLevel = 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, or 7 (see below for description) 0 = no tracing occurs, nothing is written to the trace log 1 = return errors generated by the API are logged (except for MT_RET_OK, and MT_IO_PENDING) 2 = all API DLL callbacks (this is recommended when using the Callback method) 4 = all API DLL calls (this is recommended when using the Get Event method) 6 = all API DLL callbacks (this is recommended when using the Callback method) AND all API DLL calls (this is recommended when using the Get Event method) (2+4=6) 7 = return errors generated by the API are logged (except for MT_RET_OK, and MT_IO_PENDING) AND all API DLL callbacks (this is reco mended when using the Callback method) AND all API DLL calls (this is recommended when using the Get Event method) (1+2+4=7) NtiApil.log α SmartWORKS ġ ˴ϴ.
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